Can a no-massage massage really lower blood pressure, treat injuries and banish stress?
What is Reiki?
Developed by a Buddhist monk from southern Japan in the 1920s, this
spiritual-healing technique is a combination of two Japanese words, rei
(universal) and ki (life energy). The thinking is, we all have a
personal energy field made up of a system of connected ‘chakras’ around
our bodies and, when they’re balanced, we’re physically and emotionally
healthy. If they become blocked or unbalanced, it impacts our wellbeing.
Reiki practitioners, or masters, can summon and direct good energy
(happiness and calm) to replace ‘bad’ (anger, stress and frustration),
in turn restoring health and wellbeing.
What’s involved?
You lie down, fully dressed and a reiki master places their hands
very lightly on or just above the 21 chakras to guide positive energy
into your body. They don’t diagnose or offer cures but channel positive
energy to improve physical and emotional issues. Some people experience a
tingling sensation, others feel warmth or a cooling effect, some fall
into a trance-like state and others burst into tears. In the main
though, it’s a relaxing experience.
What are the benefits?
Often it’s simply a way to improve general wellbeing, but it can also
help when you’re making a change (losing weight or cutting down on
alcohol). It’s also good stress relief, and practitioners say it can
relieve eczema, lower blood pressure, soothe muscle pain, ease
endometriosis, help headaches and migraines and improve symptoms of ME. A
single session can help in times of stress, but several sessions may be
beneficial for ongoing issues.
Any science behind it?
Not a huge amount, and mainly small studies, but research has found
that Reiki can lower blood pressure, speed up healing, reduce chronic
pain, increase relaxation, reduce anxiety and lower heart rate. It’s
available in some hospitals, NHS community services and support groups;
lots of midwives use it; and the NHS recently advertised for ‘Reiki or
spiritual healer’ for a breast cancer unit in Epping, Essex.
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